Essential Conda Cheat Sheets for Data Scientists

Conda has become a vital tool for data scientists and developers who work with Python environments. Although it offers many powerful features, remembering them can be challenging. This guide aims to provide you with essential commands, workflows, and practical tips to help you navigate and master Conda for your projects.

Installation & Setup

Conda is available through various distributions, with Anaconda being the most popular. Get started with these resources:

Benefits of Conda

Conda offers several advantages for package and environment management:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works consistently across Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Environment Management: Create isolated environments for different projects
  • Package Management: Handle complex dependencies automatically
  • Integration: Works with both Python and non-Python packages

Core Concepts

  • Conda: Package and environment management system
  • Environment: Isolated space for project dependencies
  • Channel: Source for package distributions
  • Package: Software module or library that can be installed
  • Dependencies: Required packages for software to function
  • YAML: Format used for environment configuration files

Basic Commands: Getting Started

Verify your installation and check basic information:

conda info                    # Display Conda information and configuration
conda --version               # Check Conda version
conda update conda            # Update Conda itself

Environment Management: Essential Operations

Create and manage environments effectively:

conda create --name myenv         # Create a new environment
conda activate myenv              # Activate an environment
conda deactivate                  # Deactivate current environment
conda env list                    # List all environments
conda remove --name myenv --all   # Delete an environment

Package Management: Installation & Updates

Manage packages within your environments:

conda list                    # List installed packages
conda install packagename     # Install a package
conda update packagename      # Update a specific package
conda update --all            # Update all packages
conda remove packagename      # Remove a package

Channel Management: Package Sources

Work with different package sources:

conda config --show channels                # Show configured channels
conda config --add channels channelname     # Add a channel
conda install -c channelname packagename    # Install from specific channel

Environment Sharing: Export & Import

Share your environment configurations:

conda env export > environment.yml                    # Export full environment
conda env export --from-history > environment.yml     # Export Minimal environment
conda env create -f environment.yml                   # Import environment from file

Advanced Features: Version Control & Dependencies

Manage specific versions and complex dependencies:

conda install python=3.10             # Install specific Python version
conda install "package>2.5,<3.2"      # Version range installation
conda clean --all                     # Remove unused packages and caches

Common Workflows

Starting a New Project

conda create --name projectname python=3.10   # Create environment
conda activate projectname                    # Activate it
conda install required-packages               # Install needs
conda env export > environment.yml            # Save configuration

Sharing a Project

conda env export --from-history > environment.yml   # For cross-platform sharing
conda env export > environment.yml                  # For exact reproduction

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Use conda list to verify installed packages
  • Check channel priorities with conda config --show
  • Clear package caches with conda clean --all
  • Review environment history with conda list --revisions
  • Restore previous states with conda install --revision

Best Practices & Tips

PyTorch has announced that it will discontinue publishing Anaconda packages that rely on Anaconda’s default packages. This decision stems from the high maintenance costs associated with conda builds, which are no longer justified by the return on investment. A significant discrepancy in download activity between PyPI and conda builds further supports this change. As part of the deprecation timeline, PyTorch will stop providing nightly builds for its core and domain libraries starting November 18, 2024 PyTorch Issue #138506.

To accommodate users affected by this change, PyTorch recommends switching to its official wheel packages available on or PyPI, which are actively supported. For users who prefer conda, PyTorch suggests transitioning to the pytorch-cpu or pytorch-gpu packages available through conda-forge. If you currently depend on the deprecated binaries, it is advised to migrate to pip wheels, which offer equivalent functionality and are more sustainable to maintain PyTorch Discussion: Deprecation of Conda Nightly Builds.

Source: [Twitter](
  • Use Miniconda for Efficiency: Install Miniconda instead of Anaconda to minimize disk space and computational overhead. Miniconda provides the conda package manager and Python, while Anaconda includes numerous pre-installed packages you may not need Miniconda vs Anaconda - Anaconda Documentation.
Feature Anaconda Distribution Miniconda
Created by Anaconda Anaconda
Has conda Yes Yes
Has Anaconda Navigator Yes No
Number of packages 300+ < 70
Install space required ~4.4 GB ~480 MB
  • Name Environments Meaningfully: Use descriptive names for easy identification
  • One Environment Per Project: Create separate environments for different projects
  • Export Regularly: Keep environment files in version control
  • Update Strategically: Test updates in a clone of your environment first
  • Use Environment Files: Store environment configurations in version control

Final Thoughts

Install and use Miniconda instead of Anaconda to create a virtual environment in VSCode. This approach will reduce the computational resource requirements. Additionally, use pip to install the necessary packages instead of conda. This will simplify the process, as using both conda and pip for the same Python packages in the same environment can lead to conflicts.

Mastering Conda’s package and environment management capabilities is crucial for modern Python development and data science workflows. Keep these commands handy, and you’ll be able to manage your development environments efficiently and reproducibly.

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